
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities


SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Study points the way to developing the Amazon bioeconomy
SDG 11
Study points the way to developing the Amazon bioeconomy

Experimentalist governance, which learns from practice itself, and valuing local communities and traditional knowledge are the strengths of the project, which reconciles environmental conservation with job creation and income generation.

Science for Development Center will help cities adapt to climate change
SDG 11, SDG 13
Science for Development Center will help cities adapt to climate change

Research carried out at the Carbon Neutral Cities CCD, launched by FAPESP and the Technological Research Institute, will develop and apply technologies inspired by nature to increase urban resilience and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

Community protected by law on coast of Southeast Brazil is threatened by litter tourists leave on beach
SDG 11, SDG 14
Community protected by law on coast of Southeast Brazil is threatened by litter tourists leave on beach

Researchers partnering with the City of Guarujá (São Paulo state) conducted a study that found a high level of contamination on Perequê Beach, with plastics and cigarette butts predominating. The results will be useful for policymakers to implement measures that can mitigate the problem.

Researchers use high-resolution images to create model that predicts landslide risk in coastal areas
SDG 11
Researchers use high-resolution images to create model that predicts landslide risk in coastal areas

The inventory identified some 1,000 landslide points in São Sebastião (São Paulo state, Brazil). The research group is now using airborne laser scanning and other data inputs to create a methodology capable of more precise results.

Center for Metropolitan Studies maps informal green spaces in São Paulo
SDG 11
Center for Metropolitan Studies maps informal green spaces in São Paulo

Designed for use by the academic and school community, the cartographic database totals 572 polygons, of which 48% are clubs and cemeteries.

A book on challenges to an inclusive bioeconomy in the Amazon
SDG 2, SDG 8, SDG 10, SDG 11, SDG 13
A book on challenges to an inclusive bioeconomy in the Amazon

Thirty-two experts affiliated with academic and research institutions in the North, Northeast and Southeast regions of Brazil wrote its 12 chapters.

Common tree in São Paulo (Brazil) tolerates extreme drought and can help mitigate adverse effects of climate change
SDG 11
Common tree in São Paulo (Brazil) tolerates extreme drought and can help mitigate adverse effects of climate change

A study conducted at the University of São Paulo shows that Tipuana tipu grows faster at higher temperatures and can contribute to the city’s resilience.

Urban agriculture as a creative response to the climate crisis
SDG 11, SDG 13
Urban agriculture as a creative response to the climate crisis

A study comparing solutions developed in São Paulo and Melbourne, Australia, highlights the huge potential for expansion in the Brazilian megacity.

Early warning systems and plans to avert disasters due to extreme rainfall are still flawed, study shows
SDG 11, SDG 16
Early warning systems and plans to avert disasters due to extreme rainfall are still flawed, study shows

Researchers analyzed landslides caused by storms in São Sebastião (Brazil) in 2023, when at least 65 people died, and suggest involvement of the local community in contingency programs.

São Paulo School of Advanced Science presents innovative approach to environmental issues
SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 17
São Paulo School of Advanced Science presents innovative approach to environmental issues

Focus on transdisciplinarity aims to foster participation by all stakeholders in efforts to address global change. The subject was front and center at an event held in April 2024 at a historic town in São Paulo state.

Air pollution data could be used to plan better transit routes
SDG 10, SDG 11
Air pollution data could be used to plan better transit routes

Researchers from the University of São Paulo are producing maps that show areas of the city of São Paulo with the highest concentration of air pollutants; the results of the studies were presented in the United States during FAPESP Week Illinois.

French Guiana joins Amazon+10 Initiative
SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 17
French Guiana joins Amazon+10 Initiative

An agreement to this end was signed in Belém in the Brazilian Amazon during the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron and Laurent Linguet, President of the University of French Guiana. The aim is to foster international cooperation that furthers the development of the Amazon region.

Study shows how to improve management of municipal solid waste
SDG 11
Study shows how to improve management of municipal solid waste

Researchers analyzed solutions implemented in four very different Brazilian cities. Based on the results, they propose creation of a national carbon credit fund to support sustainable waste management initiatives.

Wood condition, root constriction and improper pruning can be used as predictors of urban tree failure
SDG 11, SDG 13
Wood condition, root constriction and improper pruning can be used as predictors of urban tree failure

A study of the São Paulo city center in Brazil proposed guidelines and specified stakeholder roles for reducing the number of tree failures, which average 2,000 per year there.

United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany join new call for proposals issued by Amazon+10 Initiative
SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15, SDG 17
United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany join new call for proposals issued by Amazon+10 Initiative

With the new contributions from abroad, the Scientific Expeditions call, issued in partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, now has a fund totaling some BRL 94 million.

Amazon+10 Initiative receives more than BRL 30 million from the United Kingdom
SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13
Amazon+10 Initiative receives more than BRL 30 million from the United Kingdom

The funding will be for scientific expeditions under the current call for proposals which is taking applications until April 29, 2024.

Method involving citizen participation is effective to address risks of environmental disaster
SDG 11, SDG 16
Method involving citizen participation is effective to address risks of environmental disaster

A research project showed that mobilizing citizens in flood-prone areas improves data collection and increases resilience.

Amazon+10 Initiative and CNPq issue new call to support scientific expeditions in the region
SDG 10, SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15, SDG 17
Amazon+10 Initiative and CNPq issue new call to support scientific expeditions in the region

Subnational funding agencies and Brazil’s National Scientific Council will partner to allocate almost BRL 60 million to research projects that explore little-known areas of the world’s largest tropical forest.

A cost-benefit analysis of green roofs in Brazil and South Africa
SDG 11, SDG 13
A cost-benefit analysis of green roofs in Brazil and South Africa

A model developed by a cross-border collaboration including Brazilian researchers could help decision-makers assess the real impact of green roofs on the urban food-water-energy nexus.

Novel socio-environmental vulnerability index pinpoints sustainability issues in Brazilian river basins
SDG 11, SDG 13
Novel socio-environmental vulnerability index pinpoints sustainability issues in Brazilian river basins

The innovative approach highlights vulnerability to deforestation, fire and drought, as well as poverty. The results can help formulate public policies for sustainable development.

Study proposes simple low-cost solutions to improve thermal comfort in social housing
SDG 11, SDG 13
Study proposes simple low-cost solutions to improve thermal comfort in social housing

As well as benefiting users, the aim was to contribute to energy saving and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Experiment in Brazil identifies flood-prone areas of cities
SDG 11
Experiment in Brazil identifies flood-prone areas of cities

The study combined models that predict urban expansion and land-use changes with hydrodynamic models, and the results were validated using actual data for São Caetano do Sul, a city in metropolitan São Paulo.

Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable
SDG 2, SDG 11, SDG 13
Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable

An online event presented the results of five projects selected in a call issued by FAPESP in partnership with the Belmont Forum and JPI Urban Europe.

Book proposes strategies to help cities cope with climate change
SDG 11, SDG 13
Book proposes strategies to help cities cope with climate change

Researchers discuss 17 case studies conducted in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Africa involving ways to implement integrated management of water, energy and food.

Leisure facilities are increasing in São Paulo City but are still mainly in high-income areas
SDG 3, SDG 10, SDG 11
Leisure facilities are increasing in São Paulo City but are still mainly in high-income areas

A study analyzed changes to the built environment to promote physical activity in Brazil’s largest city between 2015 and 2020, using data from online public libraries as well as the city and state governments.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: