
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 14 Life Below Water


SDG 14 Life Below Water

Important region of marine ecosystem in Southwest Atlantic is shallower than expected, study finds
SDG 14
Important region of marine ecosystem in Southwest Atlantic is shallower than expected, study finds

Researchers at the Federal University of São Paulo determined for the first time the vertical limits of the subtropical ocean region off the South American coast. They found that the upper limit of the mesotrophic zone, previously assumed to be 30 meters below the surface, was in fact in much shallower waters.

Advances in techniques used to identify sharks and rays have not prevented trade and increase in extinction risk
SDG 14
Advances in techniques used to identify sharks and rays have not prevented trade and increase in extinction risk

An analysis of scientific papers published in a 15-year period on molecular methods to identify elasmobranch species shows that better detection of illegal trade has not enhanced protection.

Chapter 6: Trip to the Negro River marked a reunion after pioneering expeditions in the 1990s
SDG 14
Chapter 6: Trip to the Negro River marked a reunion after pioneering expeditions in the 1990s

One of the fishing methods used to collect electric fish in the DEGy Negro River Expedition was employed for the first time on a large scale in freshwater during the Calhamazon project, which brought together researchers from Brazil and the United States between 1993 and 1996.

Chapter 4: <i>Sarapós</i> stand out for the diversity of environments they occupy
SDG 14
Chapter 4: <i>Sarapós</i> stand out for the diversity of environments they occupy

The most abundant electric fish are found from the bottom of large rivers to igarapés, where they can bury themselves in the sand or blend into the leaf litter. In two weeks, an expedition in the Negro River basin collected 27 species of the group.

Chapter 3: On the Preto River, <i>poraquês</i> live in submerged ‘condominiums’ on the banks of <i>igarapés</i>
SDG 14
Chapter 3: On the Preto River, <i>poraquês</i> live in submerged ‘condominiums’ on the banks of <i>igarapés</i>

A species from the Negro River basin uses the spaces between the roots and hollows of trees to build nests and care for its young for four to six months, leaving only at night to hunt.

Chapter 2: Mysterious electric fish remains undiscovered by researchers in Jauaperi
SDG 14
Chapter 2: Mysterious electric fish remains undiscovered by researchers in Jauaperi

Historic drought in the Negro River basin and a possible inaccurate description of the distribution of Iracema caiana may be reasons why the species was not found by the DEGy Negro River Expedition. The episode describes the first collections.

Chapter 1: Nets, traps and contraptions make up material used to collect electric fish
SDG 14
Chapter 1: Nets, traps and contraptions make up material used to collect electric fish

In preparation for the expedition down the Negro River in search of fish of the order Gymnotiformes, researchers gather more than 200 kilos of equipment and supplies for detecting, collecting and storing specimens.

Expedition searches for mysterious electric fish and new discoveries about Amazonian species
SDG 14
Expedition searches for mysterious electric fish and new discoveries about Amazonian species

For two weeks, scientists from the University of São Paulo collected specimens of poraquês and other fish of the order Gymnotiformes aboard the vessel Comandante Gomes. The Agência FAPESP report followed the work in the field.

In a reservoir in Southeast Brazil, introduction of a fish native to the Amazon has reduced native species diversity
SDG 14
In a reservoir in Southeast Brazil, introduction of a fish native to the Amazon has reduced native species diversity

Since 2001, when it was first recorded in the Jaguarai reservoir in São Paulo state, the Silver croaker (Plagioscion squamosissimus) has established and increased its population in the Paraíba do Sul Basin to the detriment of native fish species.

PROASA program will advance knowledge of South Atlantic and Antarctic
SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 17
PROASA program will advance knowledge of South Atlantic and Antarctic

Launched on April 2 at FAPESP, the program will initially involve researchers from Brazil, Argentina and France.

Dengue-bearing mosquito and other invasive species in Brazil cause annual losses of up to BRL 15 billion
SDG 14, SDG 15
Dengue-bearing mosquito and other invasive species in Brazil cause annual losses of up to BRL 15 billion

The number may be an underestimate in light of gaps in studies of the problem, according to the authors of a report issued by the Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Chile-Brazil collaboration is studying impact of climate change in one of the world’s most untouched places
SDG 13, SDG 14
Chile-Brazil collaboration is studying impact of climate change in one of the world’s most untouched places

Working in partnership with scientists at the University of Magallanes in Chile, Brazilian researchers are conducting studies of the Chilean subantarctic region.

Metal in glitter impairs aquatic plant growth, study shows
SDG 14
Metal in glitter impairs aquatic plant growth, study shows

Researchers at the Federal University of São Carlos found that glitter’s metal coating reduced the amount of light penetrating water bodies and hence impaired photosynthesis by the Large-flowered waterweed Egeria densa. The problem may impact primary producer organisms at the bottom of the food chain, they warn.

The most comprehensive survey of Brazilian coastal and marine biodiversity conducted to date has been launched
SDG 13, SDG 14
The most comprehensive survey of Brazilian coastal and marine biodiversity conducted to date has been launched

The report was written by 53 academic and government specialists, 12 young researchers, and 26 representatives of Indigenous and traditional communities. It aims to be useful to policymakers and to raise the general public’s awareness of the importance of protecting the ocean and coastline.

Applications for São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Biodiversity are now being received by State University of Campinas
SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15
Applications for São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Biodiversity are now being received by State University of Campinas

The event, which is supported by FAPESP, is for young researchers and environmental technicians. Thirty applicants from Brazil and 30 from other countries will be selected.

United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany join new call for proposals issued by Amazon+10 Initiative
SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15, SDG 17
United Kingdom, Switzerland and Germany join new call for proposals issued by Amazon+10 Initiative

With the new contributions from abroad, the Scientific Expeditions call, issued in partnership with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, now has a fund totaling some BRL 94 million.

Brazilian researcher helps describe a novel species of jellyfish discovered in a remote location in Japan
SDG 14
Brazilian researcher helps describe a novel species of jellyfish discovered in a remote location in Japan

André Morandini, Director of the University of São Paulo’s Center for Marine Biology, was on the team that has published a description of a rare medusa found at a depth of 812 meters. The animal has been sighted only twice in a deep-sea volcanic structure called Sumisu Caldera, in the Ogasawara Islands.

Study shows that Rio Grande Rise was once a giant mineral-rich tropical island near Brazil
SDG 14
Study shows that Rio Grande Rise was once a giant mineral-rich tropical island near Brazil

This part of the seafloor in the South Atlantic is rich in cobalt, nickel and lithium, as well as tellurium and other rare earths critical to the energy transition. The scientists plan to continue research on its natural processes as a contribution to prospecting efforts.

Study of gigantism in whales provides clues to genomic mechanism involved in tumor suppression
SDG 3, SDG 14
Study of gigantism in whales provides clues to genomic mechanism involved in tumor suppression

Some species of cetacean are up to 4 meters in length, while others reach 30 meters. According to researchers at the State University of Campinas, genes that favor the colossal growth of these mammals also inhibit the development of cancer.

Study identifies priority areas for conservation of endangered crustacean in Brazil
SDG 14
Study identifies priority areas for conservation of endangered crustacean in Brazil

The land crab Johngarthia lagostoma occurs only on four ocean islands, three of which are in Brazil, but little is known of its natural history. Brazilian researchers discovered that a hill and beach on Trindade Island play a key role in the species’ reproductive cycle and survival.

FAPESP at COP28 reinforces coalition to create new international body to protect the oceans
SDG 13, SDG 14
FAPESP at COP28 reinforces coalition to create new international body to protect the oceans

The International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS) will translate scientific information into policymaking decisions that help protect the world’s oceans.

Researchers profile pollutants present in an important river basin in São Paulo state, Brazil
SDG 6, SDG 14
Researchers profile pollutants present in an important river basin in São Paulo state, Brazil

Scientists at the State University of Campinas analyzed samples taken at 15 points in the basin comprising the Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundiaí Rivers, and detected 45 contaminants, including compounds from agricultural, industrial and household effluents not yet regulated by Brazilian legislation.

FAPESP and the University of São Paulo are participating in the Ocean Pavilion at COP28 in Dubai
SDG 13, SDG 14
FAPESP and the University of São Paulo are participating in the Ocean Pavilion at COP28 in Dubai

A group of organizations led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and the University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography have established an online platform to raise the visibility of the ocean and highlight its importance to climate negotiations and life on the planet.

Subsistence poaching has little impact on biodiversity in the Amazon’s environmental protection areas
SDG 14, SDG 15
Subsistence poaching has little impact on biodiversity in the Amazon’s environmental protection areas

A study conducted in sustainable-use reserves shows that local game species become less abundant about 5 kilometers away from the nearest human community, but the negative effects of anthropic activity can be mitigated by appropriate management strategies.

Study reveals areas of Brazilian Amazon where no ecological research has been done
SDG 13, SDG 14, SDG 15
Study reveals areas of Brazilian Amazon where no ecological research has been done

The findings evidenced high susceptibility to climate change by 2050 in 15%-18% of the areas with the most neglected biodiversity.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: