
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 13 Climate Action


SDG 13 Climate Action

Amazon dark earth boosts tree growth as much as sixfold
SDG 13
Amazon dark earth boosts tree growth as much as sixfold

Brazilian scientists analyzed the typical soil composition resulting from native management with the aim of developing biotech applications for more effective restoration of degraded areas.

Substitution of tolerant for sensitive species balances ecosystems in agricultural areas, study says
SDG 2, SDG 13
Substitution of tolerant for sensitive species balances ecosystems in agricultural areas, study says

Research conducted in manipulated sugarcane plots showed that small water bodies such as ponds and puddles can contribute to sustainable farming even with environmentally hostile practices.

Researchers explore strategies to convert CO2 into value-added products for industry
SDG 9, SDG 13
Researchers explore strategies to convert CO2 into value-added products for industry

One of the goals of the study conducted by scientists at the Center for Development of Functional Materials and the Center for Innovation on New Energies is to reduce atmospheric emissions of this greenhouse gas.

Degradation caused by human activities affects 38% of Amazon, study shows
SDG 13, SDG 15
Degradation caused by human activities affects 38% of Amazon, study shows

An article in Science by 35 researchers affiliated with institutions in Brazil and elsewhere shows that carbon emissions resulting from forest degradation are equivalent to emissions from deforestation. The authors analyzed degradation due to fire, edge effects, illegal logging and extreme drought.

Biofuels are crucial to the energy transition, but misinformation must be overcome
SDG 7, SDG 12, SDG 13
Biofuels are crucial to the energy transition, but misinformation must be overcome

The view was expressed by participants in a discussion on “Bioenergy’s major contribution to the energy transition” organized by the FAPESP Bioenergy Research Program.

Interstate collaboration advocates economic alternatives to deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
SDG 2, SDG 12, SDG 13
Interstate collaboration advocates economic alternatives to deforestation in Brazilian Amazon

Strategies for reconciling forest conservation and income generation for families living on Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve in Acre state are the focus of a project in which local scientists are collaborating with colleagues from the states of São Paulo and Pará. The project is part of the Amazon+10 Initiative.

Brazilian coast is warmer and is having more frequent extreme temperature events, study shows
SDG 13
Brazilian coast is warmer and is having more frequent extreme temperature events, study shows

An article by scientists at the Federal University of São Paulo shows that the South and Southeast of Brazil are the most affected regions, and that Espírito Santo is the state most affected by waves of heat and cold.

Besides yields, climate change reduces nutritional value of food crops
SDG 2, SDG 13
Besides yields, climate change reduces nutritional value of food crops

The warning was delivered by Marta Vasconcelos, a biologist affiliated with the Portuguese Catholic University, during the third event in the 2023 series of FAPESP Lectures.

Deforestation in Indigenous Territories caused emission of 90 million metric tons of CO2 in 2013-21
SDG 13
Deforestation in Indigenous Territories caused emission of 90 million metric tons of CO2 in 2013-21

Scientists analyzed data for the period from 232 Indigenous Territories in Brazil. Results published in Scientific Reports show deforestation rates accelerating between 2019 and 2021.

FAPESP joins forces with France’s CNRS to bolster new International Panel on Ocean Sustainability
SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 14
FAPESP joins forces with France’s CNRS to bolster new International Panel on Ocean Sustainability

Soon to be officially launched, IPOS is a coalition of 16 research institutions, research funders and universities. Its mission will be to bridge the science-policy divide and help protect the world’s ocean environment.

Storm clusters are decreasing in the Amazon, study suggests
SDG 13
Storm clusters are decreasing in the Amazon, study suggests

Scientists at the University of São Paulo have shown that the occurrence of mesoscale convective systems, which account for 40% of precipitation in the Amazon, is already being affected by climate change.

Study proposes simple low-cost solutions to improve thermal comfort in social housing
SDG 11, SDG 13
Study proposes simple low-cost solutions to improve thermal comfort in social housing

As well as benefiting users, the aim was to contribute to energy saving and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Conversion of 5% of pastureland to cropland could double biofuel production, study shows
SDG 7, SDG 13
Conversion of 5% of pastureland to cropland could double biofuel production, study shows

The data, referring to Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Guatemala, was presented by the FAPESP Bioenergy Research Program (BIOEN) during a seminar hosted by the International Energy Agency.

Brazilian algorithm aims to project future of Amazon Rainforest and predict changes in carbon capture
SDG 13
Brazilian algorithm aims to project future of Amazon Rainforest and predict changes in carbon capture

The computer program was developed at the State University of Campinas to include more vegetation diversity in the analysis of climate change impacts.

The choices we make in the near future will define the impact of climate change for generations to come
SDG 7, SDG 13
The choices we make in the near future will define the impact of climate change for generations to come

The alert came from scientists who participated in the 10th German-Brazilian Dialogue on Science, Research and Innovation, organized by the German Center for Science and Innovation in São Paulo in partnership with FAPESP.

Study proposes criteria to help delimit and conserve Cerrado wetlands
SDG 13
Study proposes criteria to help delimit and conserve Cerrado wetlands

No fewer than eight important hydrographic basins depend on the ecosystems that make up the Cerrado, Brazil’s savanna-like biome, but ambiguities in the legislation have permitted the advance of soybean plantations in the region. The warning is in an article by Brazilian researchers in the journal Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.

Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable
SDG 2, SDG 11, SDG 13
Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable

An online event presented the results of five projects selected in a call issued by FAPESP in partnership with the Belmont Forum and JPI Urban Europe.

Biotech startup aims to transform Brazilian biodiversity’s natural products into innovative therapies
SDG 9, SDG 13
Biotech startup aims to transform Brazilian biodiversity’s natural products into innovative therapies

A startup based in São Paulo is working with research centers, laboratories and private enterprise to develop novel medications from plant-based natural products. The drugs will be designed to combat multifactorial diseases.

Trees in savanna areas of Cerrado produce three times more bark than species in forest areas
SDG 13, SDG 15
Trees in savanna areas of Cerrado produce three times more bark than species in forest areas

The mechanism has resulted from evolution over millions of years to protect the buds that enable plants to survive fire. A study conducted in an environmental protection unit in São Paulo state (Brazil) can contribute to strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change.

Undermining of institutions and lack of local policies hinder fire management in Amazonia
SDG 13
Undermining of institutions and lack of local policies hinder fire management in Amazonia

A lack of community involvement impairs fire control programs in the region known as MAP, between Madre de Dios (Peru), Acre (Brazil) and Pando (Bolivia).

Engineering Center for Aerial Mobility of the Future starts operating
SDG 9, SDG 12, SDG 13
Engineering Center for Aerial Mobility of the Future starts operating

Established by FAPESP and Embraer at the Aeronautical Technology Institute (ITA), ERC-AMF will conduct research on innovative topics with the potential to contribute to the competitiveness of Brazil’s aerospace industry.

FAPESP-supported research center develops ammonia production process with high energy efficiency
SDG 9, SDG 13
FAPESP-supported research center develops ammonia production process with high energy efficiency

Annual production of NH3, the world’s most synthesized molecule, totals 1.2 million metric tons. Its successful use in fuel cells will boost demand.

Emerging deforestation frontier in southwestern Amazon sees increase in burnings
SDG 13
Emerging deforestation frontier in southwestern Amazon sees increase in burnings

Fire destroyed 4,141 km² of forest and 6,484 km² of pasture and cropland between 2003 and 2019 in the area of Boca do Acre, Amazonas state, North Brazil, according to a recently published report. A year-by-year breakdown shows that the area affected by fire ranged from a low of 33 km² in 2011 to a high of 681 km² in 2019.

Book proposes strategies to help cities cope with climate change
SDG 11, SDG 13
Book proposes strategies to help cities cope with climate change

Researchers discuss 17 case studies conducted in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Africa involving ways to implement integrated management of water, energy and food.

Artificial intelligence model can help Brazil earn money from carbon credits
SDG 13
Artificial intelligence model can help Brazil earn money from carbon credits

Machine learning tool measures how environmental variables such as humidity and solar radiation affect the amount of carbon captured in a given area.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: