
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production


SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Edible, biodegradable, anti-microbial plastic boasts higher tensile strength than petroleum-based plastic
SDG 9, SDG 12
Edible, biodegradable, anti-microbial plastic boasts higher tensile strength than petroleum-based plastic

Designed for use as food packaging, the material is produced by scientists at São Paulo State University from gelatin, clay and a nanoemulsion of black pepper essential oil.

Study shows how waste can be converted into materials for advanced industries
SDG 9, SDG 12
Study shows how waste can be converted into materials for advanced industries

A paper by a research group including Brazilian scientists and international collaborators shows that low-cost waste biomass can be upcycled to make bioplastic, electronic devices, equipment for power generation, storage and transmission, and other high added-value products.

Amazon +10 Fund is backed by ten states with an initial injection of BRL 100 million from FAPESP
SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 17
Amazon +10 Fund is backed by ten states with an initial injection of BRL 100 million from FAPESP

The launch was announced during COP26 at an event attended by São Paulo State Governor João Doria.

Photovoltaic panels are home to microorganisms with potential biotech applications
SDG 12
Photovoltaic panels are home to microorganisms with potential biotech applications

Bacteria and yeasts that tolerate solar radiation, water scarcity and temperature fluctuations are found on photovoltaic panels in São Paulo state, Brazil. Researchers say some can be used to develop pigments and biodetergents.

Study reveals decline in predatory fish catch at Arraial do Cabo, Brazil
SDG 12, SDG 14
Study reveals decline in predatory fish catch at Arraial do Cabo, Brazil

Analysis of fishery data and interviews with artisanal fishers confirmed replacement of large species by others that are less valuable commercially, and 37 species were considered overfished.

São Paulo-based startup creates sustainable method of producing cosmetics
SDG 9, SDG 12
São Paulo-based startup creates sustainable method of producing cosmetics

With support from FAPESP via its program to fund innovative research, the startup has developed a rejuvenating serum based on bioactives obtained from sweet wormwood, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Brazil’s biodiversity law needs to be adapted to the Nagoya Protocol
SDG 2, SDG 10, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 17
Brazil’s biodiversity law needs to be adapted to the Nagoya Protocol

The law disciplines Brazil’s actions as a provider but not as a user of genetic resources from other countries, researcher Bráulio Dias noted during an online seminar held by FAPESP.

International Energy Agency will assess Brazil’s policies to promote biofuels
SDG 7, SDG 12, SDG 13
International Energy Agency will assess Brazil’s policies to promote biofuels

The IEA aims to help countries move the bioenergy agenda forward by identifying bottlenecks, recommending solutions and sharing best practices. The initiative was presented during a conference organized by BIOEN, FAPESP’s bioenergy research program.

Industrial waste is reused to produce alternatives to plastic
SDG 12
Industrial waste is reused to produce alternatives to plastic

Researchers at São Paulo State University reused bacterial cellulose scraps usually thrown away by manufacturers of wound dressings to make strong biodegradable film for food packaging.

3D skin created in the laboratory can eliminate animal testing of cosmetics and sunscreens
SDG 9, SDG 12
3D skin created in the laboratory can eliminate animal testing of cosmetics and sunscreens

Model developed by startup supported by FAPESP enables scientists to assess efficacy and safety of sunscreens and anti-aging products under conditions closely resembling real life.

Beekeeper-farmer connection app receives capital injection and scales up pollination service
SDG 9, SDG 12
Beekeeper-farmer connection app receives capital injection and scales up pollination service

Brazilian startup Agrobee signs agreement with Agroven, an investment club run by family farmers who want to promote technological development in the sector.

Plastic film protects surfaces against novel coronavirus on contact
SDG 9, SDG 12
Plastic film protects surfaces against novel coronavirus on contact

Laboratory tests showed film containing silver-silica nanoparticles to be capable of eliminating 99.84% of SARS-CoV-2 particles after exposure for two minutes.

Microbiome-based technologies drive multibillion-dollar market
SDG 9, SDG 12
Microbiome-based technologies drive multibillion-dollar market

New research field promises to transform food production and treatment of diseases. A global panel of experts unified concepts to define research priorities and offer basis for legislation.

System monitors presence of novel coronavirus in air
SDG 3, SDG 9, SDG 12
System monitors presence of novel coronavirus in air

Integrated with the air quality management tool created by startup Omni-electronica, a collector captures viruses suspended in the environment and submits the air samples to RT-PCR testing. Monitoring of crowded locations combined with indicators created by the firm can contribute to a safer economic reopening.

Incentives for the production of bioenergy must continue as part of post-pandemic recovery
SDG 7, SDG 12
Incentives for the production of bioenergy must continue as part of post-pandemic recovery

Governments should assure continuity of policies that promote bioenergy, biofuels and bioproducts, say the speakers in a webinar held by the Brazilian Bioenergy Science and Technology Conference, which is supported by BIOEN-FAPESP.

BIOTA-FAPESP Program celebrates 20 years of contributing to public policy
SDG 12, SDG 13
BIOTA-FAPESP Program celebrates 20 years of contributing to public policy

Webinar discussed prospects for future research on biodiversity. Synthesis centers designed to systematize knowledge in the field and scenario modeling studies are expected to gain importance in the years ahead.

Brazilian researchers develop an optical fiber made of gel derived from marine algae
SDG 9, SDG 12
Brazilian researchers develop an optical fiber made of gel derived from marine algae

Edible, biocompatible and biodegradable, these fibers have potential for various medical applications. The results are described in the journal Scientific Reports.

Researchers advocate green economy to surmount crisis caused by COVID-19
SDG 11, SDG 12, SDG 13
Researchers advocate green economy to surmount crisis caused by COVID-19

This was the main scientific position to emerge from the online seminar “Biodiversity, climate crisis, economies and pandemics” organized with FAPESP’s support via its program focused on biodiversity.

FAPESP and São Martinho set a center aimed at developing biological control technology for sugarcane
SDG 2, SDG 12
FAPESP and São Martinho set a center aimed at developing biological control technology for sugarcane

The new Engineering Research Center will be hosted by São Paulo State University’s School of Agrarian and Veterinary Sciences in Jaboticabal. Its scientists will also research biotechnology and plant resistance.

Multiuser equipment facilitates the selection of sterile insects used to combat fruit crop pests
SDG 12
Multiuser equipment facilitates the selection of sterile insects used to combat fruit crop pests

The imaging analysis system available at the University of São Paulo enhances the effectiveness of biological control of South American fruit flies based on the sterilization of males. The species mainly damages apple and peach orchards in the South Region of Brazil.

Novel biotechnological route developed to obtain fine chemicals from agricultural waste
SDG 9, SDG 12
Novel biotechnological route developed to obtain fine chemicals from agricultural waste

Researchers are looking for partners to refine process that converts sugarcane bagasse and wheat straw into high-value compounds.

Study highlights the importance of managing the use of sugarcane straw to generate bioenergy
SDG 7, SDG 12
Study highlights the importance of managing the use of sugarcane straw to generate bioenergy

Brazilian researchers calculated the amount of nutrients in sugarcane leaves, which are normally left on the ground after harvest, and the equivalent in fertilizer required to maintain crop yield if the straw is removed.

An online platform will facilitate beehive rental for the pollination of crops
SDG 9, SDG 12
An online platform will facilitate beehive rental for the pollination of crops

Brazilian tech startup develops app that will feature advanced tools for hive quality monitoring and georeferencing.

DNA analysis reveals the presence of endangered species in fishery catch and bycatch
SDG 12, SDG 14
DNA analysis reveals the presence of endangered species in fishery catch and bycatch

Over half of the rays and skates caught in Brazil belong to protected species, a DNA barcoding study shows.

Bacteria can replace chemical fertilizer to protect the natural environment
SDG 9, SDG 12
Bacteria can replace chemical fertilizer to protect the natural environment

Study was presented to Workshop on Biopharma and Metabolomics covering research jointly funded by FAPESP and Agilent Technologies.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: