
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs

A key mechanism of silica-induced inflammation is discovered
A key mechanism of silica-induced inflammation is discovered

French researchers made the discovery by analyzing blood from denim sandblasters. The results were presented at the Inflamma symposium organized by the Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases in Brazil.

Novel technology developed to classify most common brain cancer in children
Novel technology developed to classify most common brain cancer in children

Simplified low-cost method is as accurate as most advanced sequencers in analyzing medulloblastoma, enabling personalized treatment to be prescribed in developing countries.

Ants that defend plants receive sugar and protein
SDG 15
Ants that defend plants receive sugar and protein

The aggressiveness of ants in arid environments with scarce food supply helps protect plants against herbivorous arthropods.

Biocompound from Atlantic Rainforest combats leishmaniasis and Chagas disease
Biocompound from Atlantic Rainforest combats leishmaniasis and Chagas disease

Researchers find that substances synthesized from plant species endemic to the biodiversity hotspot can kill the parasites that cause these neglected diseases.

Nanotechnology delivers hepatitis B vaccine
SDG 3, SDG 9
Nanotechnology delivers hepatitis B vaccine

X-ray imaging shows that nanostructured silica acts as protective vehicle to deliver antigen intact to intestine so that it can trigger an immune response. Material developed with FAPESP funding could give rise to polyvaccine against six diseases.

Brazilian scientists explain how pineapple stem bromelain relieves pain
Brazilian scientists explain how pineapple stem bromelain relieves pain

Enzyme found in pineapple stems stimulates the gut to produce enkephalin, an opioid peptide normally released by the brain.

Novel method converts light into heat to kill cancer cells
SDG 3, SDG 9
Novel method converts light into heat to kill cancer cells

Technique developed in Brazil uses infrared light to release photoactive material and cancer drug inside tumor cells and kill them with hyperthermia.

Bioactive material is produced by 3D printing
Bioactive material is produced by 3D printing

Research center supported by FAPESP simplifies and cheapens the fabrication of glass-ceramic material that can be used in ocular prosthetics and dentin hypersensitivity treatment, among other applications.

New model facilitates the prediction of crystallization in glass particles
New model facilitates the prediction of crystallization in glass particles

A study by researchers affiliated with a research center supported by FAPESP can help scientists develop new glass and glass-ceramic materials and predict glass stability during use.

Study contributes to the production of flexible electronic devices
Study contributes to the production of flexible electronic devices

Research conducted by Brazilian and Italian scientists ordered the structure of polythiophene to enhance the optical and electronic properties of this organic conductive polymer.

New dairy cattle breeding method increases genetic selection efficiency
New dairy cattle breeding method increases genetic selection efficiency

Inclusion of a parameter that measures an animal’s capacity to transmit its genetic traits resulted in gains of up to 16% compared with a traditional method of selection.

Startup uses LED to treat newborns with jaundice faster and at lower cost
SDG 3, SDG 9
Startup uses LED to treat newborns with jaundice faster and at lower cost

Native LED technology will enable hospitals to save money and free up beds in maternity wards.

Shape influences the properties of nanomaterials
Shape influences the properties of nanomaterials

Researchers at the Center for Development of Functional Materials developed a method to identify the ideal shape of nanoparticles with specific properties or characteristics.

Yellow fever virus responsible for current epidemic in Brazil originated in the Amazon in 1980
Yellow fever virus responsible for current epidemic in Brazil originated in the Amazon in 1980

Researchers have retraced the pathogen’s route as it spread from the state of Pará by analyzing tissue samples from dead monkeys. Their findings are published in Scientific Reports.

São Paulo hosts an international meeting of scientists to plan a small satellite network
São Paulo hosts an international meeting of scientists to plan a small satellite network

The project is one of several initiatives undertaken by the Regional Leadership Summit (RLS) involving researchers from Brazil and six other countries. RLS-Sciences met at Brazil’s National Space Research Institute.

A mechanism that makes infants more likely than adults to die from sepsis is discovered
A mechanism that makes infants more likely than adults to die from sepsis is discovered

Scientists at the Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases (CRID) show why pediatric patients with sepsis suffer from more inflammation and organ injury than adults. New treatment strategies may be tested.

Sensor detects carbon monoxide to avoid cases of CO poisoning
Sensor detects carbon monoxide to avoid cases of CO poisoning

Use of a device created by the FAPESP-funded Center for Development of Functional Materials, could be made compulsory in Argentina, where 250 deaths from CO poisoning are reported each year.

Genetically modified virus combats prostate cancer
Genetically modified virus combats prostate cancer

In a study with mice, a gene therapy developed in Brazil kills cancer cells and avoids adverse side effects when combined with chemotherapy.

Researchers identify genes linked to sex differentiation in giant Amazon fish
SDG 14
Researchers identify genes linked to sex differentiation in giant Amazon fish

Discoveries by Brazilian and German researchers may facilitate early sexing of pirarucu (arapaima) and its reproduction in captivity while also paving the way for genetic improvement.

Overtraining produces negative alterations in several organs
Overtraining produces negative alterations in several organs

Studies show that in addition to skeletal muscle, the heart, liver and central nervous system are affected. The systemic action of proinflammatory cytokines explains only part of the phenomenon.

Amphibians infected by ranavirus found in Atlantic Rainforest
SDG 3, SDG 15
Amphibians infected by ranavirus found in Atlantic Rainforest

Ranavirus is linked to amphibian decline or extinction in other parts of the world, but in Brazil, it has been reported only in captive animals.

Climate change could affect symbiotic relationships between microorganisms and trees
SDG 13
Climate change could affect symbiotic relationships between microorganisms and trees

An international research consortium mapped the global distribution of tree-root symbioses with fungi and bacteria that are vital to forest ecosystems. The study was featured on the cover of Nature.

Portable device can be used to diagnose eye disease remotely
SDG 3, SDG 9
Portable device can be used to diagnose eye disease remotely

With support from FAPESP’s program aimed at small businesses, Brazilian entrepreneurs have created the Eyer, a device coupled to a smartphone that detects retinopathy at a far lower cost than conventional equipment.

Experts highlight strategies to drive innovation in Brazil
SDG 9, SDG 17
Experts highlight strategies to drive innovation in Brazil

Initiatives should include more integration with the world economy and promotion of strategic sectors, according to US researchers from MIT and Brazilian authors of a recently published book.

3D reconstruction of craniums elucidates the evolution of New World monkeys
SDG 15
3D reconstruction of craniums elucidates the evolution of New World monkeys

Computed tomography scans of fossils from two extinct species point to evolutionary adaptations and kinship with extant howler, spider and woolly monkeys.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: