
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs

First coronavirus similar to MERS is found in bats in South America
First coronavirus similar to MERS is found in bats in South America

Detected in the state of Ceará, Brazil, the novel coronavirus has similarities with the coronavirus that causes Middle East respiratory syndrome, first identified in 2012. Experiments to find out whether it can infect humans are set to take place during 2025.

Study conducted at University of São Paulo evaluates parent-mediated therapy for autistic children
Study conducted at University of São Paulo evaluates parent-mediated therapy for autistic children

Already provided by the UK’s National Health Service, the approach, called PACT, aims to improve communication and interaction by focusing on the child’s interests.

‘Cloud machine’: emissions from the Amazon Rainforest and electrical discharges create rain particles
SDG 13
‘Cloud machine’: emissions from the Amazon Rainforest and electrical discharges create rain particles

Study published in Nature reveals mechanism by which isoprene, a gas emitted by vegetation, produces large quantities of aerosols responsible for forming condensation nuclei; process may have an influence on global climate.

Brazilian project aims to develop battery that could last up to a hundred years
SDG 7, SDG 9
Brazilian project aims to develop battery that could last up to a hundred years

Technology being developed with support from FAPESP allows the device to produce more electric current and could be useful in the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors.

Studies describe the toxic effects of metals on marine organisms
SDG 14
Studies describe the toxic effects of metals on marine organisms

In three recent articles, scientists associated with the Center for Development of Functional Materials warn of the synergistic effect of substances when mixed together.

Mutualistic interaction between caterpillars and ants is highly specific, study shows
SDG 15
Mutualistic interaction between caterpillars and ants is highly specific, study shows

Caterpillars secrete a sugary liquid that assures recognition and protection from predators by a certain ant species, but protection became attack when the pairings were switched in an experiment.

Consumption of omega-3 weakens insulin resistance in non-obese rats, study shows
Consumption of omega-3 weakens insulin resistance in non-obese rats, study shows

Fish oil supplementation altered the profile of defense cells, which switched from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory state, reversing a condition similar to type 2 diabetes.

Software uses blockchain-like technology to manage innovation
Software uses blockchain-like technology to manage innovation

System developed by FAPESP-backed startup allows expectations and intellectual property to be managed while ensuring legal certainty.

Test identifies prior infection by zika virus and all four dengue virus serotypes
Test identifies prior infection by zika virus and all four dengue virus serotypes

The method developed at the University of São Paulo detects and distinguishes between antibodies induced by the pathogens in blood samples. The strategy can be used to orient public policy in health and to evaluate the efficacy of dengue vaccines.

Added sugar and salt are the ‘villains’ in the relationship between dietary patterns and stomach cancer
Added sugar and salt are the ‘villains’ in the relationship between dietary patterns and stomach cancer

Researchers used an innovative approach and analyzed data from a large sample involving residents of four state capitals in different regions of Brazil; study contributes to preventive strategies for this type of tumor.

Tests on sunglasses show deficiencies in protection against ultraviolet rays
Tests on sunglasses show deficiencies in protection against ultraviolet rays

A study conducted at the University of São Paulo analyzed the effectiveness of 12 models and showed that only one met the safety limits set by an international organization.

Spending more than 3 hours a day sedentary worsens teens’ mental health
Spending more than 3 hours a day sedentary worsens teens’ mental health

The conclusion comes from a study that analyzed data from more than 3,600 adolescents aged 14 to 17. Moderate screen time spent on educational activities was associated with less psychological distress.

Method enables monitoring of hydrogen production in reactors
SDG 7, SDG 9
Method enables monitoring of hydrogen production in reactors

Innovative approach developed by research groups in Brazil has already been patented by the National Institute of Private Property.

COP30, chaired by Brazil, will be a window of opportunity to address the climate crisis
SDG 13
COP30, chaired by Brazil, will be a window of opportunity to address the climate crisis

Experts point to delays in meeting Paris Agreement targets and warn: without urgent action, the world could become up to 4.3 °C warmer.

Overexploitation of groundwater is compromising river flows in Brazil
SDG 12
Overexploitation of groundwater is compromising river flows in Brazil

A study has found that more than half of Brazil’s rivers could suffer a reduction in flow due to the transfer of water to aquifers. Irrigation pumping is one of the main factors. More than 88% of wells operate under illegal conditions.

Artificial intelligence helps salespeople with predictive analytics and automation
Artificial intelligence helps salespeople with predictive analytics and automation

Tool developed by startup supported by FAPESP can be used by companies of different sizes and adapts to the specific needs of each business.

Consumption of fruit, coffee, chocolate and wine reduces risk of metabolic syndrome by up to 23%
Consumption of fruit, coffee, chocolate and wine reduces risk of metabolic syndrome by up to 23%

The world’s largest study of the impact of dietary polyphenol intake on the risk of cardiometabolic problems tracked more than 6,000 Brazilians for eight years.

Pattern of compounds in blood may indicate severity of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia
Pattern of compounds in blood may indicate severity of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia

A study involving 173 pregnant women reached this conclusion. The findings expand scientific knowledge of the preeclampsia and the mechanisms whereby damage to the kidneys, lungs, liver and brain may occur.

Center aims to improve quality of life in the Amazon with digital technologies for the açaí and honey chains
SDG 2, SDG 12
Center aims to improve quality of life in the Amazon with digital technologies for the açaí and honey chains

The Agrotechnological District of Breves, in the Brazilian state of Pará, was created as part of Semear Digital, a Science Center for Development led by EMBRAPA Digital Agriculture and supported by FAPESP.

Simple, quick test can predict fall risk in older adults six months in advance
Simple, quick test can predict fall risk in older adults six months in advance

A study of 153 people between the ages of 60 and 89 suggests modifications to a well-established clinical test for assessing balance in the elderly to make it more efficient, accessible, and predictive.

Non-graminoid herbaceous plants are fundamental for the preservation of the Cerrado
SDG 13, SDG 15
Non-graminoid herbaceous plants are fundamental for the preservation of the Cerrado

Less studied than grasses and trees, these plant species are of enormous importance to the Brazilian savannah biome in terms of biodiversity, carbon storage, regeneration after disturbance, and the provision of ecosystem services such as food and medicine.

Global study identifies markers for the five clinical stages of Parkinson’s disease
Global study identifies markers for the five clinical stages of Parkinson’s disease

By creating a new metric, researchers envision the possibility of diagnostic and treatment advances for the disease, which is estimated to affect about 4 million people worldwide.

Reemergence of dengue serotype 3 may increase severity of outbreaks of the disease in Brazil
Reemergence of dengue serotype 3 may increase severity of outbreaks of the disease in Brazil

The population is not immunized against DENV-3. Meanwhile, DENV-1 and -2 continue to circulate, experts warn.

Drones speed up execution of forest inventories
Drones speed up execution of forest inventories

A technology that uses unmanned aerial vehicles developed by a FAPESP-supported startup has enabled Brazil’s leading cosmetics company to complete in six months a census of six species of key importance to its production process distributed across 40,000 hectares of forest in the Amazon.

Study could boost development of less toxic antibiotics
Study could boost development of less toxic antibiotics

Researchers at a FAPESP-supported research center have identified the key role of the GenB2 enzyme in the formation of gentamicin components. The findings make it possible to develop safer and more selective versions of the drug.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: