
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs


Research funded by FAPESP aligned with the SDGs

Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable
SDG 2, SDG 11, SDG 13
Managing the food-water-energy nexus to make cities sustainable

An online event presented the results of five projects selected in a call issued by FAPESP in partnership with the Belmont Forum and JPI Urban Europe.

Study points to novel method for early diagnosis of cachexia in lung cancer patients
Study points to novel method for early diagnosis of cachexia in lung cancer patients

Predictive model developed at São Paulo State University (UNESP) helps identify tumor biomarkers of this metabolic syndrome characterized by acute weight loss and muscle wasting.

Melatonin, commonly used to improve sleep, can aggravate bowel inflammation
Melatonin, commonly used to improve sleep, can aggravate bowel inflammation

In laboratory mice, the hormone easily bought from pharmacies and widely consumed as a supplement aggravated Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, depending on the animal’s gut microbiota profile, according to a study by researchers at the University of São Paulo.

Márcio de Castro Silva takes office as Scientific Director of FAPESP
SDG 9, SDG 17
Márcio de Castro Silva takes office as Scientific Director of FAPESP

In an interview given to Agência FAPESP, the new director reveals his plans to seek more partnerships with institutions, strengthen the Foundation’s international ties and simplify processes by cutting bureaucracy.

Startups selected for Centelha program in São Paulo begin training and capacity building
Startups selected for Centelha program in São Paulo begin training and capacity building

Representatives of 44 startups will receive 12 months of technical support for the development of products and processes through in-person training, mentoring and workshops run by experts from FAPESP and institutions that promote innovative entrepreneurship.

COVID-19: institutional politics was crucial to success of vaccine technology transfer in Brazil
SDG 3, SDG 17
COVID-19: institutional politics was crucial to success of vaccine technology transfer in Brazil

Researchers show the importance of political skill on the part of federal research institution Fiocruz and regulatory agency ANVISA in the process that resulted in the signature of an agreement with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in mid-pandemic.

Genetic sequencing of sea turtles can help understand disease that threatens species
SDG 14
Genetic sequencing of sea turtles can help understand disease that threatens species

The most comprehensive sequencing to date of the genomes of the Leatherback and Green sea turtles shows they are mostly identical. An article in PNAS helps scientists understand how the group has evolved and provides ideas for conservation strategies.

A method to access genetic information in blood samples and find correlations with mental health problems
A method to access genetic information in blood samples and find correlations with mental health problems

In a study with 116 participants, researchers at the Federal University of São Paulo evaluated the genetic material contained in extracellular vesicles possibly secreted by brain tissue. The analysis pointed to patterns of microRNA expression associated with depression, anxiety and ADHD.

Biotech startup aims to transform Brazilian biodiversity’s natural products into innovative therapies
SDG 9, SDG 13
Biotech startup aims to transform Brazilian biodiversity’s natural products into innovative therapies

A startup based in São Paulo is working with research centers, laboratories and private enterprise to develop novel medications from plant-based natural products. The drugs will be designed to combat multifactorial diseases.

German delegation visits FAPESP to strengthen existing agreements and discuss new partnerships
SDG 17
German delegation visits FAPESP to strengthen existing agreements and discuss new partnerships

Representatives of German universities, research institutions and funding agencies were welcomed at FAPESP’s headquarters in late March. The Amazon and renewable energy are areas of interest for new bilateral partnerships.

FAPESP and Mozambique’s National Research Foundation plan research collaborations
SDG 17
FAPESP and Mozambique’s National Research Foundation plan research collaborations

A webinar co-hosted by the two organizations featured researchers from São Paulo and the southeast African country discussing ways to promote scientific collaboration in areas such as climate change, natural disaster monitoring, agriculture, health, and bioenergy.

Used coffee pods can be recycled to produce filaments for 3D printing
SDG 12
Used coffee pods can be recycled to produce filaments for 3D printing

Tested by Brazilian and British researchers, the process is an example of circular economy technology, in which waste produced in one economic activity is converted into resources for other sectors.

New center will provide technologies to enhance competitiveness of small and medium farmers
SDG 2, SDG 9
New center will provide technologies to enhance competitiveness of small and medium farmers

Launched on April 11 at a ceremony attended by the Governor of São Paulo state, the Science for Development Center in Digital Agriculture is a collaboration between FAPESP and EMBRAPA, with other institutions. Its remit will be to connect farmers to innovations that cut costs and assure sustainability.

COVID-19 can lead immune system to exhaustion even in young people with mild to moderate symptoms
COVID-19 can lead immune system to exhaustion even in young people with mild to moderate symptoms

Researchers in Brazil and Portugal have been following patients under 40 who had the disease before being vaccinated. Alterations found in immune cells up to 180 days after infection resemble those found in patients with chronic diseases.

Exposure to cannabinoids in pregnancy increases newborn mortality and respiratory problems
Exposure to cannabinoids in pregnancy increases newborn mortality and respiratory problems

This was the main finding of a study involving rats conducted by Brazilian researchers. Mortality was 29% higher for fetuses exposed to a synthetic compound that acts on the brain in a similar manner to natural cannabinoids. Respiratory control and CO2 sensitivity, which influence sudden infant death syndrome, were also altered.

New research center aims to fill key gap for advancement of biotechnology in Brazil
SDG 3, SDG 9
New research center aims to fill key gap for advancement of biotechnology in Brazil

With the support of FAPESP’s Science for Development Center Program, the unit hosted by São Paulo State University will produce pilot batches of candidate biopharmaceuticals and vaccines for clinical trials. The aim is to help researchers and startups survive the “valley of death” in clinical research.

FAPESP and US National Science Foundation (NSF) announce partnership in all research areas
SDG 17
FAPESP and US National Science Foundation (NSF) announce partnership in all research areas

Agreement simplifies design of new instruments and tools for collaboration between researchers in São Paulo and the United States.

Obese pregnant women infected by zika virus have impaired immune response
Obese pregnant women infected by zika virus have impaired immune response

Researchers at the University of São Paulo analyzed placental samples from women with and without obesity who contracted the infection while pregnant. The results show that maternal overweight can compromise the placenta’s immune response and impair fetal protection.

Study describes mechanism that regulates activity of memory gene
Study describes mechanism that regulates activity of memory gene

Working at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, the researchers used epigenetics to study the mechanism, which could be associated with pathologies such as Alzheimer’s. The discovery expands scientists’ knowledge of the central nervous system.

Researchers at the State University of Campinas cultivate microalgae for biofuel production
Researchers at the State University of Campinas cultivate microalgae for biofuel production

The aim was to compare the effects of different cultivation systems on growth and productivity of the species Botryococcus terribilis. In one experiment, production of lipid and hydrocarbon increased 49% and 29% respectively.

FAPESP signs agreement with French institutions to strengthen research cooperation in the field of health
SDG 17
FAPESP signs agreement with French institutions to strengthen research cooperation in the field of health

A memorandum of understanding was signed in Paris by the heads of FAPESP, ANRS and INSERM. Creation of Institut Pasteur de São Paulo, to be hosted by the University of São Paulo with more than 80 researchers, was also formalized in the French capital.

A simple, portable sensor monitors paracetamol levels in saliva in real time for personalized treatment
SDG 3, SDG 9
A simple, portable sensor monitors paracetamol levels in saliva in real time for personalized treatment

Developed at the University of São Paulo, the device permits corrections to the dosage of the analgesic to improve its efficacy according to the patient’s profile and avoid toxic side effects or overdose.

Trees in savanna areas of Cerrado produce three times more bark than species in forest areas
SDG 13, SDG 15
Trees in savanna areas of Cerrado produce three times more bark than species in forest areas

The mechanism has resulted from evolution over millions of years to protect the buds that enable plants to survive fire. A study conducted in an environmental protection unit in São Paulo state (Brazil) can contribute to strategies for mitigating the effects of climate change.

Low-cost sensor detects early-stage Parkinson’s disease in biological samples
SDG 3, SDG 9
Low-cost sensor detects early-stage Parkinson’s disease in biological samples

The device, produced by ordinary 3D printing and capable of being miniaturized, detects levels of the protein PARK7/DJ-1, which is associated with the disease. The study used samples of blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid.

Scientists create model to predict depression and anxiety using artificial intelligence and social media
Scientists create model to predict depression and anxiety using artificial intelligence and social media

A study by a group at the University of São Paulo reported in a scientific journal involved the construction of a database and models. Preliminary results are described in the article.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: