In a study of patients with metastatic lung cancer and cachexia, researchers at the University of São Paulo and Harvard Medical School found that treatment was more likely to succeed in physically fitter patients.
One of the raw materials studied by the group is cashew nut shell liquid, a by-product of oilseed processing; work was presented during FAPESP Week Italy.
The study was conducted at the Federal University of São Paulo and involved 731 over-sixties. It is the first to demonstrate the effects of high blood pressure on lung mechanics. The findings highlight the benefits of regular physical exercise for partial protection of the lungs.
Through experiments in mice infected with a herpes virus, scientists identified an immune system sensor that recognizes viral fragments and activates neurons responsible for pain, independently of inflammation. The discovery paves the way for novel analgesic treatments.
Discovery of a novel class of proteins that help regulate the parasite’s essential cellular functions could lead to the development of more effective drugs against the disease. More than 3,500 new cases are notified each year in Brazil.
A study conducted by researchers at the Federal University of São Carlos and University College London analyzed eight years of data for almost 4,000 over-50s.
Nominated in the “Technological Innovation in Oncology” category, the study could benefit patients with hematological neoplasms.
A study conducted by Brazilian scientists at São Paulo State University involved 242 volunteers aged 40 on average. The results showed an improvement in heart rate control by the autonomic nervous system regardless of the level of physical activity in adulthood.
Brazilian researchers analyzed behavioral and physiological factors in animals whose mothers received a synthetic substance that activates the same receptors as marijuana during pregnancy. The consequences were different in males and females.
The synthetic peptide was inspired by ACE2, the protein to which the virus that causes COVID-19 binds to invade human cells. The results point to a route for the development of novel antivirals.
Promising results were obtained by a group at the Brazilian Center for Research on Energy and Materials (CNPEM), working with collaborators elsewhere. They combined inhibition of glutaminase, an enzyme that converts glutamine into nutrients for tumor cells, with inhibition of HuR, a protein that regulates the RNA of glutaminase.
A study conducted at the University of São Paulo in Brazil helps elucidate the impact of high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide on human health.
The product, derived from sugarcane, is being developed by Dermbio Biotech, a startup incubated at the State University of Campinas.
The conclusion is from a study of 774 vegans conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. An article reporting its findings is published in JAMA Network Open.
In addition to providing a detailed description of the morphology of hepatic nerves, the study led by Brazilians showed that the increase in blood sugar was activated by a protein called CREB.
Researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil evaluated the effect of three different low-cost training programs on a group of socially vulnerable female volunteers. HIIT combined with muscle strength exercises was the most efficacious in terms of reducing blood pressure and arterial stiffness, the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
The researchers are now looking for a molecule that inactivates the protein expressed by the gene as a basis for a drug that could complement existing medications, which are not always effective and can have adverse side-effects.
In PLOS Pathogens, researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil report a study based on autopsies of 47 patients who died after being infected by the ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2. The findings will support clinical decisions on the treatment of critical cases.
In the journal Current Microbiology, Brazilian researchers describe how three strains of bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus can benefit human health and meet the needs of the cheese industry.
Brazilian researchers investigated the effects of delivery date manipulation to avoid the Carnival holiday. Their findings suggest Brazilian women are giving birth too early, impairing the health of their babies.
The researchers based their findings, published in Molecular Autism, on data for more than 900 children with ASD and experiments with brain organoids derived from blood cells donated by some of the children.
According to Brazilian researchers, SARS-CoV-2 uses this strategy to manipulate the machinery of the host’s defense cells. The discovery paves the way for the development of novel therapies.
Experiments with mice at the University of São Paulo used cutting-edge techniques to investigate the neural circuits behind aversive behavior and fear memory. The findings are reported in Current Biology.
Brazilian researchers publish preliminary data showing that the pathogen has undergone mutations making it more aggressive and contributing to resurgence of the disease in Brazil since 2023.
The analysis was conducted by researchers at São Paulo State University (UNESP), showing that when the patients took the drug, the number of times they woke up during the night fell by 25% and the amount of time they remained awake fell 30% on average.