Brazilian and British researchers analyzed data for 1,747 older participants tracked by ELSA over a period of 12 years, and mapped the different routes that can lead to a negative outcome. They advocate use of their findings by policymakers.
An interdisciplinary approach tested at the Federal University of São Paulo combined clinical, nutritional, psychological and exercise counseling. The intervention involved remote and in-person sessions, favoring adherence and lowering the cost to the health system.
In animal tests conducted at São Paulo State University (UNESP), the strategy reduced spleen and liver parasite numbers by 99.9%.
Researchers at the University of São Paulo analyzed data from 115 children who suffered from conditions considered syndromic (with several associated symptoms) and found a high incidence of overlapping genetic alterations. They argue that identification of genetic mutations can make diagnosis and treatment more accurate.
The opossum was found dead in a park in the center of Campinas, a large city in São Paulo state (Brazil), with the same viral variant as fruit-eating bats. These mammals are regularly detected in cities, where they are often attacked by dogs, so they can be considered sentinel species for infectious disease surveillance.
Through experiments in roundworms of the species C. elegans, scientists at a FAPESP-supported research center showed that lifespan is reduced when RNA transfer between cells in different tissues is dysregulated.
Blood pressure rose in offspring born to high-fructose rats, and physiological regulation of their cardiovascular system was impaired. High-fructose syrup is widely used as a sweetener by the food and beverage industry.
A study led by Brazilian researchers suggests that the mechanism that exacerbates dengue infection following a case of zika differs from that acting on second-time dengue patients. The finding is relevant to the development of a zika vaccine.
A study conducted at a FAPESP-supported research center discovered a link between the protein VAPB and tumor cell proliferation in medulloblastoma, one of the most common and aggressive brain tumors in children.
The analysis compared the effects of artepillin C on healthy cells and cancer cells, as well as the effects on its efficacy of variations in the medium’s pH.
CD4+ T cells play an important role in the immune response to pulmonary infections, but excessive amounts can damage the lungs. In experiments with mice, researchers at the University of São Paulo discovered what leads to this exacerbated response.
Data from the Phase 3 clinical trial was published on February 1st in The New England Journal of Medicine. The vaccine is safe for both participants who have had dengue and those who have never been exposed to the virus before.
Developed by a team of Brazilian researchers, the device is made of plant-based material with little environmental impact, and detects pesticides in a few minutes, helping to certify food safety.
In 18 cities of the Barretos region, where the proportion of Black people in the population is smaller, cancer kills more members of this ethnic group, whereas in the capital of the same state, it kills more White people, according to a study that compares cancer mortality rates and points to ways of reducing inequalities in diagnosis and treatment.
In experiments with rats, researchers at the University of São Paulo analyzed brain tissue and detected alterations in genes associated with energy metabolism.
In experiments with rats, researchers at São Paulo State University detected changes in the expression of more than 700 genes in offspring. One of these genes is known to be associated with prostate cancer.
Some species of cetacean are up to 4 meters in length, while others reach 30 meters. According to researchers at the State University of Campinas, genes that favor the colossal growth of these mammals also inhibit the development of cancer.
Researchers at the University of São Paulo and São Paulo state’s Center for Epidemiological Surveillance observed spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence for the two arboviral diseases in all Brazilian municipalities, alongside the influence of environmental and socio-economic factors.
A study involving 20 women with rheumatoid arthritis and high blood pressure demonstrates the benefits of walking at moderate speed for 30 minutes even after tests that simulate stressful situations and tend to raise blood pressure.
The device is under preclinical trials; the sponge is made of soft, biodegradable material and releases medication slowly into the organism.
The kit is designed to be used for screening. If the result is negative, it should be repeated a year later. If positive, the individual should see a specialist.
Researchers at the University of São Paulo identified in mice the neurons associated with the anxiolytic effect of growth hormone. Their discovery paves the way for the development of novel classes of medications for neuropsychiatric disorders.
Fragments of hemorrhagic toxins that may help treat high blood pressure were found in the venom of the pit viper Cotiara, which inhabits the South of Brazil, and that of the South American bushmaster, a denizen of tropical rainforests. The molecules might one day be used in drugs with fewer adverse side effects.
A survey conducted in a Brazilian state with the country’s second-highest number of ophidic accidents draws attention to the need to train health workers to complete notification forms correctly. Better data will help improve research and antivenom distribution.
Researchers at São Paulo State University tested the action of nanoparticles loaded with antibiotics and other antimicrobial compounds on cells infected by the bacillus that causes tuberculosis. The results suggest the strategy can overcome multidrug bacterial resistance.