
FAPESP and the Sustainable Development Goals


SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being


SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being

Study identifies intracellular protein that can block inflammation in autoimmune diseases
Study identifies intracellular protein that can block inflammation in autoimmune diseases

The discovery, led by researchers at a FAPESP-supported center, could lead to novel treatments for autoimmune diseases.

Peptide from venomous fish toxin controls lung inflammation in mice
Peptide from venomous fish toxin controls lung inflammation in mice

A research group at Butantan Institute performed tests on animal models with asthma as a reference and demonstrated that the peptide from Thalassophryne nattereri, common in North and Northeast Brazil, is safe and efficacious.

Projects on adolescent obesity and drinking selected by international consortium
SDG 3, SDG 17
Projects on adolescent obesity and drinking selected by international consortium

The call was issued in 2022 by the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases, a transnational consortium of research funders set up to combat chronic non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries. Two proposals supported by FAPESP were among those approved.

Study identifies a protein that could be a target for a vaccine against spotted fever
Study identifies a protein that could be a target for a vaccine against spotted fever

The molecule was identified by researchers at the University of São Paulo in cells of the Amblyomma tick that transmits the disease.

‘New pandemics could emerge soon. We must be prepared,’ says head of Butantan Institute
‘New pandemics could emerge soon. We must be prepared,’ says head of Butantan Institute

Esper Kallás, who heads Latin America’s leading producer of vaccines, delivered the Second 2023 FAPESP Lecture on “Viruses, pandemics and vaccines”. He spoke about the “100 Day Mission” to produce novel vaccines in just over three months.

Rather than being a risk factor, asthma could protect patients from progressing to severe COVID-19
Rather than being a risk factor, asthma could protect patients from progressing to severe COVID-19

Researchers in São Paulo state analyzed data for over 1 million patients hospitalized for treatment by the public health service after contracting COVID-19. Lower levels of inflammatory cytokines and fewer ACE2 receptors for the virus to bind to may be the explanation.

Study associates sleep apnea in babies with increased risk of hypertension in adulthood
Study associates sleep apnea in babies with increased risk of hypertension in adulthood

In experiments involving rats, researchers at São Paulo State University found that periods of low oxygen levels in the first months of life can lead to dysregulation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, which controls functions such as heart rate and blood pressure. The discovery points to possible routes to the development of novel therapies.

Biodressing accelerates skin wound healing in diabetic mice
SDG 3, SDG 9
Biodressing accelerates skin wound healing in diabetic mice

A biodressing containing human umbilical cord stem cells was produced in a 3D printer by the startup In Situ Cell Therapy. Researchers at the University of São Paulo found that when used on diabetic mice, the “smart” biodressing modulated the immune response, stimulated collagen synthesis and enhanced tissue repair.

<i>Leishmania</i> parasite manipulates organism’s defense system to continue replicating, study shows
<i>Leishmania</i> parasite manipulates organism’s defense system to continue replicating, study shows

Leishmania alters the structure of the human protein that would normally induce the death of infected cells and weakens the inflammatory response. Reported in Nature Communications, the discovery could serve as a basis for better treatment.

Toxins are detected in samples of curd cheese and artisan mozzarella in Brazil
Toxins are detected in samples of curd cheese and artisan mozzarella in Brazil

An analysis conducted at the University of São Paulo showed that no sample exceeded the recommended limit for aflatoxin M1, a contaminant of fungal origin considered carcinogenic. Nevertheless, the researchers warn of the need to demand best practices in dairy production.

In resistance training, focusing on load or number of repetitions leads to same muscle growth
In resistance training, focusing on load or number of repetitions leads to same muscle growth

A study by researchers at the State University of Campinas showed that although the two types of training produce similar metabolic stress, muscle activation is different.

Study reveals novel action mechanism of corticosteroids in combating inflammation caused by COVID-19
Study reveals novel action mechanism of corticosteroids in combating inflammation caused by COVID-19

Brazilian researchers observed an increase in production of endocannabinoid, a natural anti-inflammatory neurotransmitter, in COVID-19 patients given glucocorticoids. The discovery points to possibilities of novel treatments for various inflammatory and neurological diseases.

Brazilian researchers test technique that can make analysis of male fertility potential more accurate
Brazilian researchers test technique that can make analysis of male fertility potential more accurate

Scientists at São Paulo State University repurposed a device already used to analyze bovine reproductive cells to observe different characteristics of human sperm simultaneously.

Researchers find compound that combats multidrug-resistant bacteria in less than one hour
Researchers find compound that combats multidrug-resistant bacteria in less than one hour

In vitro experiments were conducted at a FAPESP-supported research center with a synthetic peptide inspired by molecules secreted by the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum.

Study proves efficacy of remote physical training in rehabilitation of severe COVID patients
Study proves efficacy of remote physical training in rehabilitation of severe COVID patients

A program developed by researchers at the University of São Paulo included three weekly sessions of up to 80 minutes each for 16 weeks, with positive effects on cardiorespiratory fitness, lung function, functional capacity, body composition and persistent symptoms.

Study points to novel method for early diagnosis of cachexia in lung cancer patients
Study points to novel method for early diagnosis of cachexia in lung cancer patients

Predictive model developed at São Paulo State University (UNESP) helps identify tumor biomarkers of this metabolic syndrome characterized by acute weight loss and muscle wasting.

Melatonin, commonly used to improve sleep, can aggravate bowel inflammation
Melatonin, commonly used to improve sleep, can aggravate bowel inflammation

In laboratory mice, the hormone easily bought from pharmacies and widely consumed as a supplement aggravated Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, depending on the animal’s gut microbiota profile, according to a study by researchers at the University of São Paulo.

COVID-19: institutional politics was crucial to success of vaccine technology transfer in Brazil
SDG 3, SDG 17
COVID-19: institutional politics was crucial to success of vaccine technology transfer in Brazil

Researchers show the importance of political skill on the part of federal research institution Fiocruz and regulatory agency ANVISA in the process that resulted in the signature of an agreement with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in mid-pandemic.

A method to access genetic information in blood samples and find correlations with mental health problems
A method to access genetic information in blood samples and find correlations with mental health problems

In a study with 116 participants, researchers at the Federal University of São Paulo evaluated the genetic material contained in extracellular vesicles possibly secreted by brain tissue. The analysis pointed to patterns of microRNA expression associated with depression, anxiety and ADHD.

COVID-19 can lead immune system to exhaustion even in young people with mild to moderate symptoms
COVID-19 can lead immune system to exhaustion even in young people with mild to moderate symptoms

Researchers in Brazil and Portugal have been following patients under 40 who had the disease before being vaccinated. Alterations found in immune cells up to 180 days after infection resemble those found in patients with chronic diseases.

Exposure to cannabinoids in pregnancy increases newborn mortality and respiratory problems
Exposure to cannabinoids in pregnancy increases newborn mortality and respiratory problems

This was the main finding of a study involving rats conducted by Brazilian researchers. Mortality was 29% higher for fetuses exposed to a synthetic compound that acts on the brain in a similar manner to natural cannabinoids. Respiratory control and CO2 sensitivity, which influence sudden infant death syndrome, were also altered.

New research center aims to fill key gap for advancement of biotechnology in Brazil
SDG 3, SDG 9
New research center aims to fill key gap for advancement of biotechnology in Brazil

With the support of FAPESP’s Science for Development Center Program, the unit hosted by São Paulo State University will produce pilot batches of candidate biopharmaceuticals and vaccines for clinical trials. The aim is to help researchers and startups survive the “valley of death” in clinical research.

Obese pregnant women infected by zika virus have impaired immune response
Obese pregnant women infected by zika virus have impaired immune response

Researchers at the University of São Paulo analyzed placental samples from women with and without obesity who contracted the infection while pregnant. The results show that maternal overweight can compromise the placenta’s immune response and impair fetal protection.

Study describes mechanism that regulates activity of memory gene
Study describes mechanism that regulates activity of memory gene

Working at the University of São Paulo in Brazil, the researchers used epigenetics to study the mechanism, which could be associated with pathologies such as Alzheimer’s. The discovery expands scientists’ knowledge of the central nervous system.

A simple, portable sensor monitors paracetamol levels in saliva in real time for personalized treatment
SDG 3, SDG 9
A simple, portable sensor monitors paracetamol levels in saliva in real time for personalized treatment

Developed at the University of São Paulo, the device permits corrections to the dosage of the analgesic to improve its efficacy according to the patient’s profile and avoid toxic side effects or overdose.

News about research projects funded by FAPESP and articulated with the SDGs: